Konstnärliga Gestaltningar

Ett Levande Hus

A Living House

Där Regnbågen Slutar

Where the Rainbow Ends

This is Trollbäckens preeschool in Mölndals town district. I was asked to do an art instalation where the kids (1,5-5 years old) was going to help me and inspire me. I started with the childrens work and we made things in clay that should be painted in the colours of the rainbow.

Then I made over a hundred boxes in stonewhare

I built a house of them and let the house stand at "The end of the rainbow"

I put the childrens work in the boxes with two kinds of glue, one to hold it in place and a strong one to make it strong.

There is also small lamps in the bottom of the boxes, to make it look nice.

These last pictures are a bit "fuzzy" and so was I and my darling Anders (who helped me put together all this). 

Konstnärliga Gestaltningar Konstnärliga Gestaltningar Reviewed by Anna Ulin Ceramics on 06:04 Rating: 5

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